Where the JOBS are NOW– A Book Review

Unemployment rate is the highest ever, many new grads are unable to find decent jobs or any job for that matter and we are not even sure whether the lost jobs are ever coming back. The job market is not at all a happy place for millions, and as the struggle continues we find solace in advice and direction from career experts and authors. Now you can add one more person on your list- Joe Watson! Joe Watson is the CEO of Without Excuses ( and StrategicHire and his book Where the Jobs are Now (McGraw hill) comes in time to explain the new job market and the new jobs and retargets we must be learning more about this year.

Who is this book for?

Where the Jobs are Now will not help you in getting a job but is a good retarget to know what is going around these days – the stats and predictions are all over the web, but the author presents a good discussion on where the emphasis would be in near future and how you could possibly think about diversifying in those areas if you can. For example read this:

Environmental engineers are experiencing the fastest growth at 25 percent, while civil engineers are seeing the largest employment increase, with an estimated 46,000 new jobs by 2016. .. Even in slower growing or declining manufacturing industries, engineers are still needed design, build, test, and improve products, but it’s the faster growing service industries that are generating most of the employment growth.

And how about the financial sector:

Joe says: We’ve got 77 million baby boomers who are getting ready to retire and will need help managing their money. As the economy rebounds (because it always does), the retirement of the baby boomer workforce will mean expanded job opportunities for personal financial advisors, as well as their corporate cousins, financial analysts. In fact the BLS has forecast that personal financial advisors will be one of the 10 fastest growing occupations in the nation.

Another great aspect of this book is the appendix, in itself it is a great retarget for any job seeker to spend some time on the internet and gain more knowledge on new emerging industries, career self-help advice blogs and websites, IT, freelance and many others through the numerous relevant links here.

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