3 Creative Freelance Jobs That Will Help You Earn a Decent Living

Some say that being a creative is both a blessing and a curse. You might have great ideas, but so do millions of other people, literally.

The saying also goes hand-in-hand with another old euphemism that’s applied to writers and artists; the “starving artist” or the “starving writer.” And this is simply because making it as either a writer or an artist can be difficult at times, but the competition is relatively high as compared to other career choices.

But the world is full of surprises, and if you have a passion for creativity, then it becomes your duty to use your natural ability to make the world a more beautiful place.

If you have a knack for making things, wordsmithing, writing music, or painting wonderful works of art, then you might want to consider doing what suits you best for a living. Here, we’ll explore a few creative paths you can take as a freelancer, and make a decent living at the same time.

Designing Clothes

One way to make your talents known to the world is by designing your own line of clothing. If you enjoy selecting fabrics and textiles, and you have an eye for fashion, then putting together amazing outfits for others might just be your calling.

Like with any creative endeavor, this is something that you can do on the side so you can build a portfolio and come up with new techniques for marketing yourself. No need to quit your day job and dive in headfirst. You can even commission designs on a freelance basis as you become better at your craft and uncover new techniques.

For example, any clothing line needs a logo or a label to allow others to know who you are as a brand. And you can customize your own labels using Wunderlabel to create your designs.

Freelance Writing

In the world of online marketing, content is king. And quality content is what gets a business noticed.

Just about every business that has a website needs content. And unless these businesses all write their own content (which they don’t), they’ll need to outtarget to professionals who know how to craft content that a specific audience wants to read.

If you’re great with words and you can engage a reader, you possess a valuable skill that can earn you a decent living as a freelance writer.

Freelance writers work in a multitude of disciplines, and some of these are as follows:

This list could continue on for another page or so, but you get the idea. Freelance writing covers many disciplines, and you can become an expert in one or more of any field that suits you the best.


Perhaps the one creative discipline that reveals the full potential of human creative expression is music.

Music is composed of writing, rhythm, sound, visual art, dance, and is often included with other performing arts. And if you know how to write songs, you can make a great living as a songwriter.

Believe it or not, Bruno Mars began his career as a freelance songwriter. In fact, he wrote many famous songs before anyone ever knew his name or heard his voice. And if you have an ear for music, it’s not too far-fetched of an idea for you to accomplish the same.

Songwriting begins with learning the art of placing words and lyrics into a rhythm, and from there, your creative mind can take you to places that some people have never even dreamed of.

A creative mind needs an outlet. Basically, if you’re not using your talents and gifts, you’re not living to your fullest potential. And only when you embrace your natural abilities will you be able to earn a living from your talents, even if it starts out as a modest side-hustle.

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