Career as a Taxi Driver

Flicking through job adverts can quickly become depressing when you realize the majority of careers available require years of experience or additional training. For a quick-start career which needs no experience or extra qualifications (besides a full driving licence and cheap, quick and easy taxi driving test) and comes with an added benefit of being your own boss becoming a taxi driver is a great option. If you’ve got a love of driving and seek a certain element of freedom in your work, this could be the solution.


Many firms will offer the chance to work full or part-time, whichever suits your lifestyle. This isn’t a 9-5 job, though the option to work those hours may be available, as every taxi firm needs a few drivers on at all times. If you’re willing to work mornings, evenings and through the day, with a changing schedule every week and enjoy having days off midweek this is perfect.

Depending on the firm you work for the rate of pay will differ. What is almost certain is that you will earn the majority of your wage on a commissioned based method. This means when you need some extra cash you can put in a few more hours and likewise take a break when not desperate for money.

Every day really is different being a taxi driver and if you’re a sociable person you’re sure to hear countless entertaining stories while at work. Picking up hen parties at the airport, taking people home from nights out to transporting friendly old ladies during the day, it’s never dull.



Having your own vehicle and keeping it clean is essential for every taxi driver. This can be a big expense at the start, although you should soon get a good return on it. Some firms will have specific requirements for their vehicles and luckily Cab Direct have a range of new and used taxis for sale.

Working on a commissioned based scale means during quiet periods your earnings will be cut back. For those who like to know they’ll have a set income each month this won’t work. However, during busy times you may be pleasantly surprised earning more than expected.

Even though hours are flexible it’s likely you’ll have to work at least two nights a week, sometimes from early evening right through to early morning. While this is often rewarded with greater pay it can be tiring and mean your social life is put on hold.

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