Mental Health Careers: Is This Field Right for You?

Every job has its challenges and rewards. But, rarely are the rewards as frequent as the ones found in mental health careers. Providing someone with the tools to go forth and live a prosperous life is a feeling few jobs can provide.

If you love people and have a general ability to build a good rapport with those you meet, then you may be naturally inclined to take on any number of positions within the mental health field.

From online talk therapy to prescription medication, there are a number of ways to bring people’s hopes and dreams for a successful life to fruition. Let’s take a look at the landscape of the mental health field. We think you’ll find your place in no time at all.

One in Four People Need You

Did you know one in four adults suffers from mental illness? That means about 26% of the American population is walking around with a diagnosable disease that can be pinpointed, labeled, and overcome.

More than that, some mental illnesses like to pair up and tear down individuals. These are known as co-occurring disorders. It’s difficult for anyone to battle back this sort of attack alone. When you step into the picture through any number of behavioral health careers, you’re armoring people who are in battle, helping them move forward to live successful lives.

Do You Have the Required Skills?

Since you’ll be dealing with people in their most delicate states, you’ll be required to have a wide range of skills. Here’s a sampling of some of the most important attributes:

Do You Like People?

A lot of this boils down to one question: do you like people? Are you a student of people? Do you want to help them pinpoint the root of their struggles and offer them coping skills to move forward into a successful life?

If so, then you’re hot on the right trail.  If you have a desire to show people they can do more than live their lives in darkness, then you’re going to love the next chapter of your life. Enabling positive change, offering encouragement, and presenting toolkits are wonderful actions to hang your hat on at the end of every day.

Getting help is a scary road for most. Facing down demons is not a walk in the park. Some clients will resist you; others will be so beaten down, they’ll be open to most anything. Both dispositions are entrances into a world full of promise and you can hand that out.

List of Impactful Careers

The list of careers in mental health is long. Whether you’re working the front desk at a medical office or writing prescriptions, you’re going to be ushering change into people’s lives. Here are some of the most impactful (and in-demand) psychology careers:

Varying Educational Requirements

This is a question that doesn’t have a straight answer. For certain entry-level careers, a certificate may be enough. For others, nothing less than a doctorate will do.

If you have your sights set on Psychiatry, then you can begin as a Psychiatric Technician with only a postsecondary certificate. Mental Health Technicians are required to have an Associate’s degree or a certificate to start working. Here, job security and career growth are among two of the benefits from InterCoast Colleges.

An Addiction Counselor can start pulling people out of the doldrums of addiction with a Bachelor’s degree. Mental Health Social Workers require the same.

Often, Counselors, Therapists, and Psychologists are confused. However, the three are distinct. “Counselor” is often an umbrella term; Therapists can include different kinds of Psychologists; Psychologists often require Master’s degrees and a state license.

A Mental Health Counselor has to hit the books until they’ve earned a Master’s degree to start changing lives. The same holds true for Licensed Social Workers; only a Master’s will do. Clinical Psychologists, on the other hand, need Doctorates, as do Neuropsychologists.

Finally, if you want to go all the way, a Mental Health Psychiatrist will require a medical degree. You’ll be diagnosing major disorders and prescribing an array of medications, so you’ll be glad you invested in your education here.

Mental Health Careers for You

And there you have it. Which one of these mental health careers sounds like you? Will you help people battling addiction? Will you gently smooth the lines of a disrupted family unit? No matter your desire, you’ll be changing the course of people’s lives in a tremendous way.

As you advance through your coursework, we hope you’ll keep coming back to check out our blog for more insights. We thank you in advance for all the lives you’re about to change and wish you tremendous success, from start to finish.


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