You Shouldn’t Fear A Mid-Life Career Change

Realizing that a job isn’t right for you can be quite a disheartening moment. Maybe you’ve only just started a new job, or maybe you’ve been progressing up a certain career path for a decade or more. Either way, it can feel as if you’re trapped. You don’t want to leave your current job because you need the financial security net and you also feel as if it would’ve been wasted time if you then go and change to an entirely new career. Does that sound about right?


Well, you need to change your mindset towards careers. Time has never been wasted when it comes to the working world. Even if you realize you now hate your job (or have hated it for a long time), you’ll have gained skills and experience within your current job role that could be applicable to entirely different industries. There shouldn’t be anything holding you back or anything to fear from a mid-life change in career. Still, you might not know where to begin on a job-hunt and you shouldn’t quit your current job until you’ve got a game plan. Let’s cut down your searching time by honing in on new careers that would definitely suit your personality, interests, and academic ability. Here are a few career suggestions.


Medical careers.

A career in medicine is perfect for those with a caring personality and an academic background (or the desire to.go back into studying). Not only are medical careers in high demand but the industry is a timeless one; people will always need medical care. And, most importantly, there’s a wide variety of jobs available in a wide variety of medical sectors. Don’t think you’d be capable in a physical care environment? There are plenty of careers in mental healthcare. Even if you’re not keen on taking a hectic role involving dealing with numerous patients on a daily basis, there are more administrative or scientific “behind the scenes” careers in the medical industry. The possibilities are endless but it all depends on you as an individual.

Of course, you should strive for careers in specialist fields if you want job security; you’ll be in higher demand if you’re a rarity. You might want to look into hair transplant training because this sector is incredibly in-demand from men with hair loss but incredibly understaffed. It’s understandable to be skeptical of industries offering “miracle cures” but when qualified doctors are behind the advancements in this billion-dollar industry then you know the results are trustworthy. And because there aren’t yet enough doctors in the industry (especially within the field of Follicular Unit Extraction procedures), this means there’s a potential door open to you in this specific medical sector. The point is that you shouldn’t just scramble for one of the most common medical careers; competition can be tough and you might end up failing to get the best jobs. Specialize in a medical niche in which there’s still high demand for doctors, however, and you’ll find that there’s little to no competition at all for the best jobs.


Teaching careers.

If you’ve always felt a strong pull towards a certain topic of interest, whether it was academic, creative, or sporty, then perhaps teaching is the right career for you. Maybe you went into an industry related to a subject about which you felt passionate but the job role seems to be completely wrong in itself. Rather than writing off that interest, you might want to consider the possibility that you just approached that subject in the wrong way. Teaching can help you get back to the roots of a subject you love but it can also help you to change the lives of young people. Students want to learn things that can help better their futures, even if they sometimes seem young and stubborn. If you have the mentality to help shape the minds of young people then this could be the perfect career for you.


PR careers.

Are you a people person? That’s probably one of the most valuable skills in the business world. Behind all the technical jargon and smart business suits, every company is comprised of nothing more than people. If you have a talent when it comes to communicating and making connections with others then you might want to consider a career in public relations (PR). PR job roles often involve ensuring good press for a company and improving its brand image across all forms of media; in the modern age, social media will most likely be the main tool you use to ensure success.


Writing careers.

There are many careers out there for people who have a talent with the written word. You could go into the mammoth industry of marketing which is exactly a more exciting industry than you might imagine; you’ll essentially get paid to think of creative ways in which to present a brand. Catchy slogans, promotional text, and clever advertising are all involved with such careers. You could also try freelance writing if you want to become self-employed and get paid for offering your services directly to clients. Why work for somebody else when you can make all the money by yourself?


You have to weigh up many different factors when choosing careers, of course. For example, a career in music can be highly rewarding in terms of creativity but unstable in terms of salary. It’s all about figuring out your priorities in a job role. What’s important to one person might not be important to you. If you’re not bothered about money (beyond having enough to cover your means of living) then go for that creative job role. If you’re not a particularly creative person but a highly-technical job appeals to you with its high salary and stability then go for that job role instead. It’s just important that you get your priorities straight and don’t go for a certain career if it makes you unhappy on the basis that you feel you “should” have that job. Happiness comes first if you want to succeed in any career.

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