Tips That Will Boost Your Chances Of Getting Into A Top University

Although your career doesn’t depend on your university, the university does have an impact. There is no doubt that studying at Harvard or Oxford will have a positive impact on your career. Whether you like it or not, it is the truth. The problem that you face is getting into a top university. You can’t just say I’m going to apply and breeze through the process. Due to the competition, the money, and your grades, you might not be accepted. Your only option is to try and boost your chances by following these tips. Hopefully, one of the following will push you up the list.


Maintain Your Grades


It is a very obvious tip, but it is one that you have to keep in mind. The best universities in the world don’t accept anything less than perfection. After all, there is always someone else with better grades, and they have their pick of the candidates. In the end, you will need to stand out from the crowd using a variety of tactics. But, to get on their shortlist in the first place, you need impeccable grades. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but they only accept A grade students. If your grades fall underneath that category, it is a waste of time applying.



Write A Killer Essay


Your grades will only get you so far, and you need a way to show them that you are more than a typical student.  You need to show them that you are a well-rounded and balanced person with a variety of interests. This is where your essay comes into play. Although they are only words on a page, you can put your heart and soul into the essay. When they read it, they will learn so much more about you and why you deserve a place at the table. However, it needs to be well-written. Otherwise, they are just words on a page. The odds are that you are pretty good when it comes to essays, but you could always benefit from a little help. There are lots of places to turn for help with reflective essays or essays of any kind such as your teachers or peers. As long as you ask for their guidance, you should be able to write a killer essay.


Live Your Life


To be able to say that you are a well-rounded person, you need to be a well-rounded person. That means that your life needs to revolve around more than your education. So, what do you do outside of school that makes you special? Of course, everything that you do should go down on the page. But, you need to focus on the truly unique aspects of your life to stand out from the crowd. Some people, for example, help the elderly or the people that are less fortunate. You don’t have to be a saint, though. In fact, you just have to write about something interesting and make a link to your future. The pertinent thing to take from this is that you can’t just rely on your academic prowess. To get a place at a top university, you need to have a variety of skills.


Keep Abreast Of Social Media


Social media is so popular that universities use it to post daily news topics. But, instead of seeing this as a novelty, see it is an opportunity. The people in charge at the university are giving you the information you need to make a good impression. And, you don’t have to pay or ask for special permission. All you need is a Twitter or Facebook account and a bit of free time. If you keep your finger on the pulse, you can involve all the info in your application. Although it is only a small gesture, it shows that you are serious about the subject and the university. It is a little tick in the box against your name, and the little ticks make a big difference. Google Alerts and researching the university are two other ways to glean valuable information.


Ask For Help


It isn’t a nice thing to admit, but life is about who you know and not what you know. For that reason, a recommendation by someone with a degree of power will go a long way to securing you a place. Now, you might not like the idea of asking for a hand out because it seems wrong. But, you will learn that it isn’t a hand out whatsoever. Ultimately, you deserve your place regardless of how you get to university.  



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