3 Essential Tips on How to get Recognition at Work

Document your Achievements
If your efforts at the workplace have resulted in increased revenue for the company or just great salutations from the customers and clients you have every reason to be the on the list of those recognized for their contribution to the organization. But if you have no record and have not reached out to your manager informing him/her about your success don’t blame anyone if you fail to be recognized or do not get that much deserved compensation or bonus this year. Religiously (weekly or monthly) update your personal work records document. Document the new skills you learn at work and document your achievements.

Bring Value to your Company and also to your Co-Workers
The more you give the more you shall receive. If you have mentored juniors or trained your colleagues or customers; you are already in the good books of the management.
If your co-workers have good things to say for you, the more popular you would be and popularity is a very important step towards valued recognition in a company. And also don’t forget to appreciate your co-workers and managers too.
If you have not gotten any references so far, go with lunches with your customers or co-workers, ask for their feedback and listen what they have to say and if they have to say something good about you, send them an email first to get a written testimonial and see the first tip (above) again.
Bring value to your organization by presenting ideas on your current or new projects, or present a case on how your contribution can lead to an increase in revenue for the company.

Be Visible
If you wish to be recognized, then do not be a lone worker. Stand out and also ask for what you desire. You get what you ask for. Do not feel awkward when you “toot your own horn” for the value you bring to your company. In fact toot the horn loud and clear. If you seek accolades you will have to make an effort to stand out and be visible. It is all the more important to be visible in today’s workplace. Those with a brilliant track record and often recognized in the company have a higher chance of being retained when the layoff cycles begin.

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