5 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Any Job Interviews

Most of us have been there. We’ve sent out what seems like a thousand resumes without receiving even so much as a kind refusal – only the desolate sound of crickets.

Why is that?

Of course there are hundreds of reasons, many of which likely pertain only to your personal situation and so can’t readily be explained. That said, there are reasons that are more or less common factors for everyone who can’t manage to get a foot in the door. Below we take a look at five reasons why you’re aren’t getting any job interviews.


1. The Economy

If you haven’t heard, unemployment is rampant in the U.S. Many people get caught up in month-to-month averages because that’s the focus of most news reports and political spin doctors, but a quick look at employment over the past 10 years shows just how tough it is out there.

The point is that it’s not just you. The only way to combat this is to broaden your search and consider options that that may have not fit into your original plan. Don’t give up on your dream; just think of it as making your dream bigger.


2. The Medium

Everything is digital, therefore everything is disposal. The online application process has simplified the transaction between prospective employee and employer so thoroughly as to make it almost nonexistent. It’s also made it too easy for email inboxes to get flooded with applications from ever larger employment pools – you’re essentially competing against the entire world.

Break away from the herd by reaching out in other ways. Follow up on online applications with phone calls when possible. Send a paper resume if you have a good address for it. Close your cover letters with polite statements about your willingness to talk in person or over the phone at any time, at the employer’s convenience.


3. Resume Gaffes

The most basic weapon you have in your arsenal to secure a job interview is your resume, whether it is digital or a hard copy. Even if all else is three degrees off to the left or right, this thing has to be dead on. And, people still manage to make the most basic mistakes.

Things to avoid:

This stuff may seem too obvious to even mention, but these mistakes occur all the time. Tighten it up! Make it perfect. Take it seriously, and get help if you need it.


4. Online Presence

You may have heard that more and more employers are checking the social media profiles of prospective employees. What you may not know is that you could have disparaging material floating around on the Internet and not even know it.

It used to be that social media profiles were more easily controlled by the owner, but now everything is getting linked together. Google likes to call it a ‘seamless Web experience,’ but what it really adds up to is a paper trail of your life that may be longer and more twisted than you think. Make sure you, your friends and your friends’ friends do not have you linked to anything that may put you in a bad light.


5. Credit History

Much like with getting a bad rap because of unknown (and undeserved) social media slander, your credit report may be saying bad things about you behind your back as well.

Many employers will run a credit check on you, because many employers equate good credit with responsibility and trustworthiness. Regardless of the merit of this supposition, you should protect yourself by getting a credit report to make sure there are no errors that are sending the wrong message. Just don’t do it too often – too many credit report requests can lower your score.


Have you investigated on the reasons why you are not getting any job interviews despite the economy looking up? Pls share..

About the guest post author:

James Madeiros writes for Masters in Accounting, a leading informational website providing individuals with a launchpad for getting started with researching advanced degrees in accounting and finance.


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