5 Steps to Deal with Boring Work

If you are bored at work and have done nothing about it, perhaps this article will get you up and working on how to get out of it right now – You really can be bored to death, researchers say.
According to the report:

“Those who reported they had been very bored were two and a half times more likely to die of a heart problem than those who hadn’t reported being bored,” AP reports and cites comments from cardiologist Christopher Cannon that chronically bored people may not be motivated to take care of their health or may suffer from depression, which is linked to heart disease. Cannon also told AP it was possible that when people are bored, dangerous hormones are released in the body that stress the heart.

If you are bored at work and wondering what to do about it and are not one of those who are exhilarated for not doing anything and still getting paid – like Dilbert and Wally here in the Dilbert comic picture; then this article is for you.
If you do not enjoy your current work and the thought of getting up everyday and getting ready to get to a place that bores you thoroughly makes you writhe and squirm, then follow these 5 steps that will help you deal with your current boring work and help you find a better solution to get out of it as well!

1. First- Analysis – is the work boring you or the routine
Often you will come across people who say have had a great performance record at their present job but slowly and surely they find it dwindling to the extent of getting bad reviews, disinterest in any work and not keeping the deadlines. Is it the job that they once were completely excited about a dead end for them or is it the routine that has bored them? What about you? Have you taken time to analyze why once a “to-die-for” position has suddenly lost its luster entirely?
As time goes by our priorities change and so does our interests, when the work seems dull and boring it is time to analyze the reason WHY first.
Ask questions like:

2. What’s the Problem? Boss, Team, Relationships
During your analysis stage you will find one or many reasons on why you are bored with something you loved before. It is time to answer the main question now? What is the Problem? If your supervisor if not the reason of your disliking the current work then go ahead and talk to your boss about any other projects he can recommend that interest you more. At times you are not so lucky to have a compassionate and understanding boss. Well sure enough it could be the reason why you despise work now because the human connection which perhaps you had before is not there. Your team members have moved on, the company downsized and the group is much smaller, there is a new boss with whom you do not connect. The reason could be any or all of these. Work is boring because you do not enjoy as much as you did before with the new team or leadership, they fail to motivate you. If most of the above fall in your list of reasons then it is perhaps time to explore other positions within your company.

3. Another position within your company
Give it a chance at least. Especially in the times of recession and low hiring, you stand a better chance of retaining a healthy cash flow through a steady income by not quitting your job. You can start on the informational interview with friends and colleagues who are in other groups to know more about what they do? It is the first step towards finding something that might be a better fit for your skills and personality.

4. Take a Break
A monotonous life is not for many. Perhaps it is time for seek adventure and perhaps a time to take a break. Why don’t you give it a try? When you break off from routine and let the mind rest, better thoughts may prevail, think Archimedes. But this step calls for more than just time off in your bathtub. You might consider a sabbatical to first relax and then explore on exciting possibilities to further your career or you might seek assistance of a job counselor or a career expert who can guide you through a career “rediscovery” process and you might be enlightened with some support and guidance. So irrespective of whether you have a cooperative boss, an internal opening g might be a possibility or you are planning on quitting your job, give taking-a-break a chance. I would especially recommend you to do so if you are considering quitting your job.

5. Quit your job
When nothing works then it is time to quit job and start looking for something more satisfying and that utilizes your potential and skills. Where you do not exist as a mechanical head on typing fingers. Of course follow the course of practical thinking and keep your focus on what you want not what you don’t want.
You have one life; don’t spend most of it being bored.


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