5 Things to Do Before You Say I Quit

We’ve had a lot of free time that we didn’t have before we all started working from home. Then, there’s a constant distraction of the phone next to us. And then, there’s stress and/or burnout that’s not helping either. Frustrations, distractions, reflections, and anticipation; are these jointly contributing to the employee turnover this year? The question we’re arriving to is – are more people of thinking of quitting their jobs and searching for new one, just because they have more time to think about the shift in priorities or expectations?

There’s no one answer, but it might be a combination of the varied reasons, and of course, it depends on individual circumstances and choices. Now, if you have decided to move on from your current job or planning a career change, there are a few things you should know before you write your goodbye email:

  1. You’ve probably thought hard about quitting your job, how about thinking twice before you quit your job. Is it an impulsive action based on some current change of situation, or is it well thought through? Is there something you can change or negotiate that may make you stay? Just ask yourself as many questions and consult a friend or a career coach if you think some unbiased advise can help. But if totally determined to make the decision, then read on.
  2. Health matters. Spend some time checking on unemployment insurance and other benefits that you might miss after leaving your job. Health insurance for yourself and your family is a big deal, if you’re not planning on joining a new company soon, it’s best to ensure that you are covered after you quit your job. Even if your employer does offer plans, you might still qualify for a lower-cost plan through your local marketplace. Check out this article to learn more: How to Pick the Right Health Insurance Company
  3. Money matters. Don’t accept just any job that comes your way, if you are on the road to plan the next move, give enough time to assess where you want to be or how you see your career progressing if not where you are at present. Evaluate how much time can you afford being out of job and how much of this time should be invested wisely in looking for the ‘right’ job. If money is an issue during this time, maybe a side hustle can help.
  4. With the right network connections, you may also find that you have access to information on the latest and best jobs. Don’t forget to get in touch with those who can help, the more you ask around the more response you can get. Check out 4 Benefits of Building a Career Network.
  5. Alright, so you’ve informed your boss and it’s time to break the news to the broader team. If you’ve enjoyed working with your group and manager, then leave on good terms. Inform personally to those you’ve worked with closely and a day or two before the last day at work, send an email to stay in touch. Checkout a few sample farewell letter to your manager and colleagues at the post: Sample Goodbye Emails to Manager and Colleagues

Related post: 9 Understandable Reasons to Quit a Job

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