Choosing Careers with Big Positive Impact

Making More of a Difference: Choosing Careers with Big Positive Impact

Having a heart for positive change can lead us to make unconventional career choices. Choosing generosity over making money seems contrary to the basic tenets of capitalism, and at times may feel like we’re shooting ourselves in the foot. But there’s a generation of baby boomers that are transforming the landscape of business with their passion for giving back, and inspiring many of us to rethink why we work. In the past, a stable bee-line to a life of luxury was the American dream, but now more and more of us want to be part of seeing things change in big ways.

Big Picture Motivations

The four most common motives that compel us to seek careers that inspire extensive social betterment include:

Career Path Options

Finding a career that makes a difference is pretty easy. But for those of us who want to see grand results in extraordinary ways, some career fields are more likely to give us what we need to succeed. Here are some examples:

The Role of Personal Potential

Just knowing that we want to be part of something big and setting out on the path to make that happen is not enough. That deep sense of reward we seek comes from measurable contributions and positive results, so before committing to a specific career, here are some things to consider:

About the Guest Author:

Ellen Berry is an expert on a number of career topics and contributes to’s Career Planning Guide.

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