Improve Your Career Path with Education Beyond Diplomas

Ready to grow your career, but not sure what the next step should be? Consider a professional certification within your field. Not only can the right certification look great on your resume, but it can boost your professionalism, too.

There are plenty of targets where you can obtain a new certification, like Coursera (which focuses largely on information technology or data science), National Career Certification Board (which helps entry-level professionals dig deeper into fields like catering or child care), Project Management Professional (which is for project managers), Six Sigma (which focuses on Six Sigma and Lean methodologies), and Salesforce (which includes varied certifications for everyone from administrators and architects to marketers and consultants). And that’s not all — things like Toastmasters, a stand up class, and more can also give you a leg up. Learn more about professional certifications that might benefit your career in this infographic.

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Via Salesforce

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