Make Your Life Easier Working Mother – Get House Help

On House Help
It was interesting to read an article in the magazine Working Mother relating (not) getting house help to divorce! Well, why not, working mothers are pressurized at work and more at home, an average working mother does 2-4 times more work than her male counterpart. Getting some help in our lives helps us keep some time for those precious relationships that we work for.

Don’t think about the extra 100 -200 dollars you would be shelving off every month or two for the house help, consider it as an investment to your time. The invaluable time that gets released to you to spend with your family. To go to the soccer game or the dance practice with your kids and not feel guilty of not cleaning the bathroom this weekend. Or just watching a late night movie with your spouse and not worrying about scrubbing the stains off the counter and cabinets in the kitchen.
Or just finding time to sit with your feet up and enjoying that cup of tea! Ahh….
If some help gets the tension and stress off you, it’s worth it.

As the US touched the 300 Million mark on population this month, read an interesting report on how Americans spend their leisure time in this Time magazine article.

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