From Sickness to Success: 7 Business Lessons Learned from Cancer

This is a guest post by Scott Petinga

I never set out to be a “survivor.” My life’s aspirations were pretty basic: become successful professionally, marry my soul mate, have two beautiful children and perhaps even retire early. Getting cancer certainly wasn’t on the list. But there I was, lying on the operating table the day of my surgery, shivering – not knowing how much longer I actually had to live and hoping that, when I opened my eyes, I would awaken from the nightmare. It didn’t happen. Cancer was a cold, hard reality that has certainly changed me. I look different, feel different and act different. Besides indelibly altering my outlook on life, cancer taught me hard-learned lessons on how to conduct business and realize success in a more significant and gratifying way.

Here are 7 business lessons I learned from cancer that can help others in their own professional endeavors:


Fight for what you believe in.

I have a tattoo on my left forearm that says, in Chinese, “to turn defeat into victory.” That is how important the concept is to me. If you don’t take a stand for those issues that really matter to you, someone else is going to make the decision for you. Regardless of how extremely difficult a business or workplace challenge might appear in the moment, it’s only temporary. It is human nature to question our own ability, especially when we are facing a challenge that is taxing, difficult, new or involves opposition or criticism from others. When you have a viable position that bucks the status quo, don’t be afraid to take a stand in line with your vision and values. And, be prepared. Base your position on facts, figures and well-researched information rather than trying to make emotional appeals. Anticipate objections and backlash and be prepared to counter with an even stronger argument. Be as transparent as possible so that there is no seemingly clandestine agenda or bias to be exposed later on. And, most importantly, hold steadfast to your standards and ideals all along the way.


If you don’t love what you do, quit doing it.

Love what you do, and be surrounded by people who share your passion. No matter your age, education, or tenure in the business world, NOW is the time to focus on what you’re passionate about. Don’t wait for conditions to be perfect or for your life to be threatened. Don’t just go through the motions half-ass. Find the gasoline that lights your fire. Quench your thirst for learning and investigate outside of your comfort zone. Empower yourself to make decisions and take actions, and uncover the value in your effort even when you fail. Then try again.


Make life better for those around you.

I now understand that the quality and happiness of life directly impacts quality of work. Ask yourself ‘what can I do to help’—whether in relation to a colleague, an employee, a boss, a business partner. And, don’t’ expect anything in return. A spirit of altruism is the best way to proffer help without any level of expectation, so there will be no disappointments in kind. If you’re an employer, discern how you can go over and above to help an employee apparently struggling with a personal issue, which could include paying for their health insurance premium for a period and giving them paid time off to deal with a difficult life situation.  If you’re an employee, offer to grab coffee or lunch for your boss or a colleague “on your dime.” Stock the employee break room with pastries “just because.”  Call a business partner or prospect just to say “hi” and don’t talk any business. Even more simply, greet people with positivity.  Encourage them.  Compliment them.  Lend them a helping hand.  Notice their progress, cheer them on and make them smile.  The more happiness and success you help others find, the more fulfillment you will realize every single day of your life. If it makes the world a better place, even for a fleeting moment, you have succeeded.


They say cancer has a way of changing people. This is true, but there’s no need for an threatening medical diagnosis to be the catalyst for needed change. An emotional “reboot” can pay dividends at any time and in anyone’s life, to most certainly include business matters. The key is to tap into, and harness, a mindset of emotional vulnerability for a new-found perspective that can help you recalibrate and generally fine tune your approach to achievement so that you can not only get there faster—but in a more meaningful and fulfilling way.  As far as I am concerned, that is the true measure of success.



About the guest post author:

Scott Petinga is Chairman and CEO of The Scott Petinga Group. He is a pioneer in developing businesses with lasting impact in the fields of communications, sustainable real estate, business acceleration and philanthropy. Through his flagship company AKQURACY—a full-service, data-fueled communications agency – he earned a spot on the prestigious 2012 Inc. magazine list of fastest-growing private companies.

He may be reached online at

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