Simple and Effective Ways to a Greener Office

The average office building can reduce energy costs by 10 to 30 percent through low-cost energy efficiency measures and operational adjustments. At an average energy cost of $2.00 per square foot, that equates to savings of 20 to 60 cents per square foot—or $20,000 to $60,000 for a 100,000 square foot building. ~

And, going ‘green’ at work influences how employees will act at home.

Results of the 2013 Gibbs & Soell Sense & Sustainability® Study found that nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of employed U.S. adults who take part in environmental and social responsibility efforts at work are more likely to make sustainable choices at home as a result.

There are many ways to go green in your office and as we see from the stats above not only is it environmentally friendly, but can result in huge cost savings for an office building.

Make every day Earth Day!

How do you follow eco-friendly habits at the work place? Pls share in comments below.

This infographic is courtesy of Information Experts.

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