Threading the Needle: How to Manage Without Micromanaging Remotely

Operating a business remotely comes with its own unique set of challenges. As a business owner, it’s important that you put strategies in place to manage your business efficiently going forward.  You need to ensure that your team, and your business, is as productive as possible. To empower your employees and allow them to work to the best of their abilities, it’s crucial to pursue the right management best practices.

To get the most from your employees, you need to manage your team without micromanaging and suffocating your employees. Tools like Deputy rota planning software are highly-effective in giving you more insight into the productivity levels of your employees as you can compare their output with the number of hours they have logged. On a day-to-day basis, however, how can you motivate your team to perform and better manage your workforce to ensure your company succeeds?

Let’s take a look at a few tweaks you can make to your management strategy to ensure you find the right way to supervise your team without micromanaging.

Set Out Clear Communication Expectations

Whether your remote team is working from home or are out in the field, you need to maintain clear communications. Not being in the same physical space can impact the efficiency of your communications. Set out clear expectations from the very beginning when it comes to what you want from your team from your communications. For example, when you send an email, your team should reply within a set period of time. Projects should always be confirmed and every communication must be acknowledged. With clear expectations in place, you can be sure that your entire team will always know what is happening in the business.

Trust In Your Team

As a business owner or manager, you need to empower your team and trust them to complete their work without you standing over them. Your employees will feel more valuable and will be more productive if they know that you trust in their ability to perform the tasks assigned to them. While you should always be there for your team to help if needed, constantly checking in to see how they’re doing is one sure-fire way to demotivate and undermine your team. Trust in your team and they will grow in their role in the company and take ownership over their tasks.

Check-In Strategically

When you’re not working in the same physical space as your team, it’s easy to get nervous about how things are progressing with your projects. However, you need to be strategic with how when and how you check in with your employees. If your team expects you to contact them every morning, and again each evening, maintain this as the status quo. Impromptu follow-ups outside of what is deemed normal will put your team on edge, as they will feel that you don’t believe in them. Find a system that works for you and your employees to stay up to date on the progress of projects, so you are not stepping on the toes of your team, hindering their productivity.

Find The Best Way To Manage Your Remote Team 

Every business is different. Depending on how your business operates, you might need to employ a different management strategy to get the most from your remote team. However, no matter what management style you use in your business, it’s important to always give your team room to breathe. Avoid micromanaging your employees and instead, be positive, provide feedback, support them and let your employees know that you are there for them when they need you. With the right management approach, you can be sure that your team will be happier and more productive with their day-to-day tasks.

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