What is most Satisfying about your Job?

Are you satisfied in your present job and career?

Of the many I have asked this question I got a mix of positive and negative responses, but what was surprising was a large percentage of them had not really taken time to stop and think if they really loved what they were doing or were they truly satisfied at work? We often fall in the “cycle-of-work” getting one task done after the other either the way it is being done or innovating here and there, often ignoring exploring further career satisfaction and contentment at work. “If it has been done this way, then perhaps this is way to do it!”

How can I find satisfaction at work?
Finding satisfaction at work and in your career does not mean that if you feel dissatisfied at work it is time to leave and apply for a new position or a new company, job hopping is not the solution to finding the right job or the perfect job. First take time to assess what would make you feel satisfied; often we focus on what we don’t want but fail to address what we most desire. List your priorities and see what value you see in your present career and how could you possibly get what you want. Knowing what you want is the key to getting what you want.

I put forward this question to a few friends and the following is a compilation of answers from few of them.

What is most satisfying about your present job?

From the answers I received I feel flexibility tops the list when it comes to a career woman seeking satisfaction at work.

If you feel that money and/or location can bring in more satisfaction, see what this survey had to say:

“Money rarely buys happiness but it can buy job satisfaction—people making under $15,000 per year reported the lowest satisfaction while those making more than $50,000 per year said they were the most satisfied.
People living in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are the most disgruntled (less than 41 percent say they are satisfied with their current job), and people living in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico were most likely to whistle while they work (56 percent reported being satisfied). “

What is most satisfying about your job?

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