Work-Life Balance – as it means to others

Some tips as it comes from renowned professionals and career women from around the world.

Slowing Down is Important
In a work-life balance speech by Maria Shriver, California’s first lady says, “Follow your passion but slow down.” This advice comes, she said, “after operating my life at a thousand miles an hour.”
She’s now trying to live her life in the present. “What I’m trying to do,” she said, “is not do a lot of stuff like this.”

Get Creative and be Strong
Stephen Covey asks all to be creative, to be strong on what you want and ready to adapt. See Stephen Covey talk about work-life balance here

Meditation helps achieve Balance
Deepak Chopra, acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest leaders in the field of mind body medicine, saysRegular practice of the meditation technique known as Primordial Sound Meditation helps establish inner quietness in life, providing access to creativity and enabling us to make life-affirming choices.”
Meditation is a vital cornerstone of Chopra Center teachings. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress, lessen anxiety, and bring balance into work-life.

Reducing your Work Hours does not mean Working Inefficiently
As much as cutting back on your work hours can help in achieving more balance in your life, it also cuts back on the stress that we build up by working long hours and spending less time with family. Ellen Galinsky, president and co-founder of Families and Work Institute, says, “Meet with your manager and ask to have metrics to judge your performance. In other words, help your boss see that hours don’t equal performance.

Learn to say “No”
When work overpowers family life, or even vice versa, learning to say “no” to the stress builders is essential to obtain peace and improve efficiency. Beth DuPree, CEO and medical director of the Comprehensive Breast Care Institute at DSI of Bucks County, told a group of business women, “The tiny word (no) is important to achieve balance in life.”

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Now since we all agree by what these professionals say, what does work-life balance mean to you or how are you best achieving it today?

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