What Is Learning Management and Why Is It Important to You?

This is a term we’re seeing more and more businesses take a look at the way they can improve employee learning and retaining talent.

While you might not be a member of HR, it is important to understand how employers might manage your training and skills, so that you can take full advantage.


Learning management is a similar concept to talent management, in that it refers to managing staff in order to get the best out of them. In large companies in particular, learning management is something done on a wide scale, and there will be many procedures associated with it. Despite this, businesses of all levels are encouraged to in some way manage the learning of their employees to get the best out of them, and to improve the business. It is now also common to find that computer software aids in the management of learning.


Who is Involved?

Learning management is usually orchestrated by the HR department and members of management staff themselves. Ideally, everyone will benefit, because in theory everyone in an organisation should be constantly learning an improving themselves. Things work better the more people that are involved in the process, but in theory, learning should be managed even in an office of just 5 people.


What are the Processes?

An effective learning management system is one which records a database of all employees, detailing the training they have had, the training they need, and what they are scheduled for. It means that effective organisation of training is relatively easy, and that nobody misses out.

Training and learning is organised in the most effective way possible, so that the people who need it get it, with minimal disruption to workflow.

Companies such as Cornerstone OnDemand develop specialist learning management software that makes the whole process much easier and more effective. It is likely that in the future, this style of online management will become more commonplace. Cloud-based systems are now available, which brings a whole new social aspect to learning in the workplace.


What are the Benefits?

Having a workforce that is well trained and will continue to learn has many benefits. Primarily, it will increase productivity in just about any industry. As staff become better trained at their jobs, they can do things more quickly and to a higher standard. This benefits the company as a whole, and adds value to it. Another bonus is that better training means safer working. Lawsuits against negligent companies can be very expensive, but ensuring employees are well trained can help to reduce the likelihood of accidents happening.


Why is it Important to You?

You might think that this is all about a process which goes on behind the scenes, and that you don’t really need to know about. To a certain degree this is true, but a good system of learning is something that you should look for in an employer. The skills you get in one job are transferable to another, or they’ll help you with promotion.


How has been the LMS systems you use at your workplace beneficial to your employees?

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