Creating New Jobs – News from the White House

On Thursday December 3, 2009, the White House is on the course to find the way out of recession – the only way to create more jobs and keep the millions others from losing their jobs in the coming year.

CNN reports:
President Obama and some lawmakers are searching for a way to stem this unrelenting loss of jobs, which is casting doubt on effectiveness of many of his economic programs, from his $787 billion stimulus plan to his $75 billion foreclosure prevention initiative.
The guests will also include small business owners, academics and non-profit leaders.
On the schedule are discussions on green jobs, small business employment, infrastructure and exports. Also, breakout groups will look at ways to encourage business competitiveness and to better prepare workers for the economy of the future.

The White house Blog reports that there are signs that the Recovery Act is working (the Recovery Act: On February 17th, 2009, the President signed The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or Recovery Act, into law. This Act is an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, save and create millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so that our country can thrive in the 21st century). Read more about this act at the White House website.

It is in fact a good idea to end the year with some concrete plans for job recovery and financial stability plans for the coming one. The outcome depends on how soon the government can get these acts and proposals in practice. Let’s hope that we see results and it not a mere hype or “stunt” as some people say who are skeptical about this summit.


The White House Blog has updates on this news based on an address by the President at the Brookings Institute.
In Summary, the following steps can stabilize and get more jobs in the US:

1. Helping Small Businesses Expand Investment, Hire Workers and Access Credit

2. Investing in America’s Roads, Bridges and Infrastructure

3. Creating Jobs Through Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Investments

Read the complete article here.

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