How to Turn Your Seasonal Position Into Year-Round Employment

seasonal-jobsIf you’re among the nation’s 550,000+ seasonal workers, you may have started your seasonal holiday position and love it so much that you hope it turns into long-term employment. Or, you may have accepted a seasonal position to get your foot in the door, hoping all along that your part-time job would turn into year-round employment. No matter the reason, if you are hoping to turn your seasonal position into a permanent one, there are some things you can do to improve the odds of being one of the few seasonal employees who becomes part of the permanent staff.


Be a Model Employee at your Seasonal Position


There’s a good chance that some of your fellow seasonal employees will not take their position as seriously as you will, simply because they do not want it to become permanent. If you are a model employee, you will be a cut above some of your fellow seasonal workers right off the bat. Be punctual every day, and be as flexible as possible. Accept weekends and nights without complaint and cover shifts as often as possible. You’ll show the managers that you want to work, and you will stand out as a reliable employee.


Another way to be a model employee is to approach your seasonal position with a good attitude. Don’t complain, question managers, or respond in any way that can be construed as being disrespectful or confrontational. Similarly, show that you are motivated and give 110%. Stay busy and don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. Show the managers that you are a valuable employee so they are more likely to choose you for a year-round position than just for the current seasonal employment.


Make a Good Impression From the Start of the Seasonal Work


First impressions count with employers, and you want to be sure to give a good one if you hope to turn your seasonal position into year-round employment. Making a good first impression is a multi-faceted task, but there are a few simple strategies you can use to stand out to your employer from the very beginning.


First, be as prepared as possible when you apply for the seasonal jobs. Take some time to get to know the company, products, and promotions.  You’ll show your employer that you have taken an interest in the company and are prepared to begin working. Also be sure to focus on the job, rather than on the benefits or the employee discount. You need to show the employer that you want the job, and not just the perks of working for the company for a few months.


It’s also a good idea to let the employer know that you are interested in a permanent position from the get-go. By sharing your intentions, you show the employer that you are more dedicated to the position than someone who wants to work for a limited amount of time. You’ll already be on the radar of the managers, and if you have made a good impression, you may have a year-round position in the bag.


Know and Exceed Expectations


Chances are your impressive resume helped you get your foot in the door. If you want to be able to add more glowing experience to your resume, you’ll have to be sure to live up to your employer’s expectations. In fact, make your seasonal job permanent you’ll need to diligently work to not only meet but exceed them.


Chief executive and founder of Flexjobs, Sara Sutton Fell explains: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure, it’s more important to show that you’re a proactive communicator and that you want to do the job right, than it is to just quietly do the job even if you might be doing it incorrectly.” You will be much more successful in your seasonal position when you are dedicated to giving your all to your position and know exactly what that looks like, in your employer’s eyes.


And, Sara Menke, founder and chief executive of Premier, says that you can take exceeding expectations one step further by asking employers for feedback. First, it will show that you are taking your performance seriously and that you want to do all that you can to improve your work. Second, it will show your employer that you are dedicated and able to grow through constructive feedback.


Turning your seasonal employment into year-round employment is possible, especially when you work to show your supervisors that you are a dedicated, prepared employee. If you approach your seasonal position as though it already is a permanent one, you will set yourself apart from your fellow seasonal workers and perhaps land a coveted permanent position when the season ends.


About the guest post author:

Erica Francis loves working with to teach young people how to get started in the job market. In her spare time, she enjoys horseback riding, crocheting, and acting at her town’s community theater.


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