The New Job Search: How to Make Twitter Work for You

This is guest post by Val Matta.

Social media has changed the way job seekers search for jobs. Recent research shows that 93 percent of recruitersuse, or will use social media to find hires in the coming year. Increasingly, those recruiters are using Twitter to post jobs, with 51 percent of all jobs posted online being tweeted out to 284 million active monthly Twitter users.

If you are ready to take advantage of Twitter in your job search, here are 5 great ways to get started.


1. Make your profile work for you

The first thing you should think about, during your Twitter job search, is how people will find you. When recruiters search Twitter for keywords in your profession, will your profile show up?

In order to ensure you show up in recruiters’ search results, use keywords and hashtags in your your account name and bio, to help them find you. For example, if you are a PR professional or CPA, incorporate #PR or #CPA into your bio. That way, when recruiters search for potential hires in your industry, your profile shows up in the “People” results tab. Use industry keywords and your location in your bio, or user/account names for similar search-driven results.


2. Follow the right hashtags

Speaking of hashtags…use them to your advantage! Many companies and hiring professionals use job-related hashtags in their listings on Twitter, to make them easier to find. Use Twitter’s search box, or advanced search tool to plug in hashtags like #jobs, #jobfairy,#jobposting and many more. Job posters often use multiple hashtags to help seekers find their posts, so keep an eye out for other popular job search hashtags, as you search and build a list of hashtags to check each day.


If you want to narrow your search down by industry or location, use the advanced search filters to plug in keywords like “marketing” or “IT” with your hashtags, to increase your search efficiency. You can even try industry or location-specific hashtags like #TechJobs and #MiamiJobs to find the perfect job for you. The combinations are endless!


3. Follow and engage the right people

Now that your profile is ready,  it’s time to start connecting with the companies and hiring managers you want to impress. During your hashtag search, take note of any recruiters, hiring managers or companies that are frequently posting positions and follow them.

Use Twitter’s reply and retweet features to engage in discussions with the accounts that you are interested in, and participate in twitter chats. When an article or study comes up that you might think a company, hiring manager or their followers will appreciate, tweet the article out and mention their name. Building a relationship on Twitter is all about engaging with and sharing interesting content.


Following influential users and engaging in discussion is a good way to create an online relationship that may benefit you the next time one of your job-search accounts posts a position.


4. Create interesting content

Interesting content is what drives people to share, engage with and follow other users on Twitter. During a job search, that means stepping away from the everyday, “I just ate a bagel,” posts and focusing your Twitter strategy. Work on producing meaningful content that shows recruiters and HR managers how knowledgeable you are, and how interested you are in your industry.


Emphasize sharing interesting content with your own observations and try starting a discussion with your audience. Try tweeting a question to your audience or directly to a company you are interested in and start a hashtag where people can answer.

Remember, if you put it out there HR managers will find it. Keep your content professional and avoid getting too personal.


5. Link to your other online content

Use your Twitter profile and content as a sort of digital business card. Link your LinkedIn profile, blog,or other online content in your Twitter profile, so people can find out more about your professional goals and see examples of your work. If you have a blog or published articles, use Twitter to share your work so others can find it. Remember, interesting content is key!


These 5 tips will help you take advantage of the many opportunities Twitter provides for job seekers.


Do you have any tips for job searching on Twitter? Did you find your job on Twitter? Share your experience in the comments below!

About the guest post author:

Val Matta is the vice president of business development at CareerShift, a comprehensive job hunting and career management solution that gives job seekers complete control over their job search. It’s available for individual users, university and military career services centers, libraries, and corporations seeking to offer outplacement assistance to former employees. Connect with Val and CareerShift on LinkedIn.


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