How to Stage the Scene for a Winning Video Interview

In recent years, video interviewing has risen 49-percent. This means that if you’re in the market for a new position, there’s a very good chance that a potential employer will want to meet with you on Blue Jeans Network or other video venue. Companies using video conferencing for at least part of the hiring process is growing as well. There are a large number of firms that exclusively work with contract employees and, in those cases, video conferencing may be the only time they’ll ever “meet” their employees. These systems are also widely used by companies that have a global or national business presence and want to do a pre-screen before considering in-person interview travel expenses.

Naturally, your resume or curriculum vitae will be what gets your foot in the door. However, once a prospective employer has examined your skills and experience, it will be your charisma and personality that need to shine. It may seem a little more difficult to present your image properly online, but there are also some advantages to doing a video interview over an in-person one. Most notably, you have total control over your environment and the image you portray.

Set Design

Well in advance, the first thing you need to do is to set up your interview area. Find a private and quiet place in your home or office. Next, clear everything in view of the camera and surrounding area. It’s possible you’ll have a camera malfunction or more of the room will show on the screen than you expect, so it’s important to tidy all over. Next, slowly add pieces back in. Remember- you’re setting the stage, so only items that might be used during the interview should be placed. To create a professional environment, personal effects are best stowed until after your camera debut. However, leaving a limited number of diplomas, awards and reference text books in the background will subconsciously remind the interviewer throughout the process that you are a qualified and professional candidate.

Technical Effects

The only thing your interviewers should hear is you. Make sure the microphone won’t pick up background noises like pets, children and things happening outdoors. You should also verify that the lighting of the room is set so your face is properly illuminated and clear. Don’t depend on natural lighting, as it’s not reliable and open windows can result in distraction. You should also run a test to verify both the camera and microphone work well. This is also the time to install any needed software or to log into Blue Jeans Network so you’re familiar with the process.


Just as an actor dresses for each performance, so, too, should an interviewee. Your best bet is to stick with dark, solid hues. Adornments can be distracting for both you and your interviewer, so minimize accessories. Proper attire from head to toe is essential, not only because you may have to get up, but also because it helps you stay in character. When you’re outfitted for business, it’s easier to maintain a professional demeanor.

Stage Cues

Keeping notes and important documents at hand is a must as well. Be sure to organize them for easy access, to minimize wait times, and to avoid excess shuffling noise picked up by the mic. Some papers may serve you better if hung within your line of vision, but off camera. You can also use this space to add motivational items and reminders.

Dress Rehearsal

Once your interview area is set up, be sure to give yourself a dress rehearsal. If a friend or family member is available to have a mock interview with, he or she can provide feedback that will help you polish off your performance. You’ll get the most benefit by mimicking the interview experience as closely as possible. Shut off all other devices, apps and messaging programs. Check lighting, equipment and on-screen presence. Examine how your wardrobe appears on camera. If it bulges anywhere, looks bulky, is distracting or revealing, correct the issue or select a new ensemble. You should also practice answering questions and coach yourself to speak clearly and at a continuous volume while maintaining eye contact. Your non-verbal cues account for 93-percent of communication, so pay close attention to your mannerisms and posture.

We each have a slightly different persona between business and home. However, when we work or interview from home, those lines tend to blur a little. When you stage the scene properly, you’re setting yourself up for success through the interview and beyond. Other Blue Jeans Network interview tips are available that can help provide you with an extra measure of professionalism throughout the process. With a little planning, you can shine like a star for the camera.


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