What Is the Difference Between CV and Resume?

A curriculum vitae or resume is a must-have for most adults. It’s almost like an identity card!

If you’re currently applying for jobs, you might have been asked to submit a CV. You’re wondering, though: is a CV the same thing as a resume?

Not quite. While CVs are similar to resumes, they possess a number of differences. We’ll more thoroughly discuss the difference between CV and resume below.

What Is a CV?

CV stands for curriculum vitae. This is Latin for ‘course of life.’ What exactly does that mean, though?

Well, in the context of your career, it entails the professional and academic experiences that you have racked up over the years. These experiences are listed and explained in detail, usually in chronological order.

In the United Kingdom (and countries like Australia and New Zealand), many employers ask job seekers for CVs, in particular. While some American employers ask job seekers for their CVs, most American employers prefer to see a resume instead. In America, CVs are usually required for those seeking academic careers.

What Is a Resume?

A resume is quite similar to a CV. However, whereas CV content is generally detailed and thorough, resume content is generally condensed and mainlined. It’s essentially a quick summary of a person’s educational and work experience, and it typically makes use of bolded words and bullet points.

Again, American employers most typically want to see resumes as opposed to CVs. The only exception is in fields relating to academia.

While a resume should be no longer than two pages (and ideally only one page), a CV can be as long as you want it to be. A resume should get your qualifications across quickly; a CV should explain them in great detail.

Which Type of Document Should You Send When Applying for Jobs?

Now, you might be wondering which type of document to send when applying for jobs. In truth, it all comes down to the job listing guidelines. If the listing tells you to send a resume, you should send a resume; if it tells you to send a CV, you should send a CV.

But what if the listing doesn’t specify? There are a few things to consider in this situation.

Is the job in Europe or Australia? If so, a CV is the preferred option. Are you in the United States? You’re probably going to want to send a resume.

The sole exception to this is if the job is academic in nature. For instance, if you’re applying to become a professor at a college in the United States, you should send a CV instead of a resume.

In any case, make sure to improve your resume or CV before sending it over.

You Must Know the Difference Between CV and Resume

If you’re applying for jobs, you must know the difference between CV and resume. Submitting the wrong document can put you out of the running for the position, causing you to miss out on big opportunities and waste time in the process.

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