Are You Keeping Your Employees Engaged in a Productive Workplace?

Does your office bore you to sleep or inspires you to creativity? Or maybe it’s somewhere in between where you just go to get your work done. How do you or your employees to feel about their work place? Are employers doing enough to make their work space a happy place to work and building a creative work environment where employees look forward to spending eight hours plus of their day, every day? 

There are obvious advantages of a creative working environment, take business giants such as Google for example. They’ve got the knowledge to know exactly what makes a good office, and they really do make the office good! Employees are happier and so it implies that they can get more work done when they feel satisfied and inspired by their surroundings. So, if you want to boost productivity, use these office changes and we guarantee you’ll notice a difference.




Comfort is the number one thing that can affect productivity within an office. Imagine sitting on a rock hard chair for 8 hours a day. What do you think you’d be focusing on more by the time the it got to lunch time? The task at hand, or the fact your back is hurting so much and your bum has gone numb? Some minor issues can build up to major health problems, and nor the employee or the employer wants that to happen. So, to add some comfort you need a decent chair and office desk. You can now get office desks that move up and down to give your employees chance to stand if they need to stretch their legs a bit. The comfier the office chair, the more relaxed and focused they’re going to be as well. You can get ones with great lumbar support and the perfect level of cushion to suit your needs. It might also be worth creating a comfy place away from the desk for them to relax. Arrange it with bean bags, magazines, and maybe even a few snacks and your employees will come flocking.


Out of the Cube


Looking for something a bit more alternative? Why not take inspiration from Google and have something like a nap pod. We know most of you would be against this, but it doesn’t have to necessarily be an area specific to napping. It just needs to be an area away from the desks where your employees can completely relax. Sort of like a break room, but with more of a relaxing vibe. You could go sort of rainforest themed. Keep the room dimly lit with relaxing music playing, put in some hammocks as an alternative option to normal chairs, and have plenty of large indoor plants dotted around. It’ll be such a relaxing environment for the brain to unwind before heading back into the office to finish the rest of the shift.


Do Something Different


If you want to keep productivity alive, you want to keep your employees focus alive. Mid day office activities are a great way of doing this. Not only does it boost moral, but it is a great team building exercise. It could be something like yoga, card games, anything that gets them working together, but away from the desk. They’ll then be able to return to their desks refreshed and much more focused. You could even do something brain training related if you really want to keep them engaged.



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