Phone skills training can help you in your career by teaching you how to effectively communicate with customers and clients over the phone. This can be especially beneficial in a sales role, as it will help you to build relationships, overcome objections, and close deals more effectively. Phone skills training can teach you how to sound confident, enthusiastic and professional on the phone, as well as how to handle difficult calls and manage your time effectively. Additionally, effective phone skills can lead to increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and a boost in sales revenue.

Although communications technology is fast moving forward, there are still some core concepts that remain the same. Phone calls are one of them. We now have the ability to use traditional landlines, cell phones, web calling and we can even initiate phone calls using mobile and desktop apps. Whether you’re a general receptionist, CEO or a salesperson, phone skills can take you a very long way. In addition to improving your interpersonal skills, it will also benefit your career. You can expect to see increased sales, better client retention, improved personal earnings and plenty more. Of course, there’s nothing like a good old fashioned face-to-face, but here’s why you should consider phone skills training.

1. Active Listening

This means paying close attention to the customer, understanding their needs, and responding in a way that shows you understand and care. Give the speaker your full attention and avoid distractions. Be present in the conversation and try to avoid thinking about other things while the speaker is talking. The more you practice active listening, the better you will become at it. Don’t underestimate the importance of taking notes. Keep a notebook or a mental log of key points and points of discussion to make sure you can follow up on them later. Reflect on your listening by reviewing your notes and by self-analyzing your listening skills. By focusing on these techniques, you can improve your ability to actively listen and better understand the needs of your customers and clients.

2. Appropriate Tonal Delivery

Being able to clearly and confidently convey your message and the benefits of your product or service is crucial in sales. One of the big disadvantages to phone conversations is that you don’t have the benefit of visual queues. All we have to rely on in a phone conversation is our tone and our words. That’s why it is absolutely imperative that when attempting things like making sales, assisting customers, wooing clients over the phone, you be very aware and careful of our words and your tonal delivery. Automotive phone tracking is another new tool at your disposal thanks to modern technology. It can help by uncovering the missing link between online and offline leads. Knowing every step of the customer or client’s journey through your marketing campaign is going to help you better tailor your in-call communication and help reduce that deficit.

3. Handling Objections

A customer’s investment in what your business has to offer is much higher in a face-to-face interaction. They have put in the effort to come to your place of business because they want to do business with you. There’s a low level of resistance in these instances. But when they reach out with a phone call, the investment is much smaller and customer resistance is greater. As easily as they called you, they can also call your competitor. When the roles are reversed and your business is placing cold calls, the potential customer typically has nothing invested. They will need a lot of coaxing to find the benefit in stepping away from whatever they’re doing to invest their attention in your pitch. Being able to effectively handle objections and address any concerns the customer may have is an important skill for any salesperson.

4. Building Rapport

Although ending a face-to-face interaction isn’t always as easy to do, it does happen just as abruptly as disconnecting a phone call. The understood rules of social interaction make it more difficult to just walk away from someone. Make sure you have take on the opportunity to build a rapport with your customer before you hang up. Pay close attention to what the customer is saying and respond in a way that shows you understand their needs. Show the customer that you understand their situation and are trying to help them. Building rapport takes time. Be patient and don’t rush the conversation. e willing to adapt your approach to the customer’s communication style. Follow up with the customer after the call to maintain the relationship and keep the conversation going.

5. Following up with the Customer on Phone

Timing is the key, Schedule your follow-up call at a time that is convenient for the customer. Start the call by referencing the previous conversation and show that you remember the details. Review your notes and the customer’s information before the call, so you can address any questions or concerns they may have. Highlight the benefits of your product or service and how it can help the customer. Be persistent in following up but avoid being pushy or aggressive. Be willing to work with the customer’s schedule and be open to alternative solutions. Use a script as a guide, but also be flexible and adapt to the customer’s needs. Show enthusiasm and be positive in your follow-up call. Keep a record of the follow-up call, including any agreements or next steps, for future reference.

Phone skills are a must if you plan on making it in the sales industry, no matter your function within it. There’s an emotional piece that happens with face-to-face interactions that doesn’t translate very well to phone interactions. With phone skills training, you will be more likely to implement better and more effective strategies to overcome these three obstacles and others.