Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which the business entity recompenses affiliates for every customer they can bring in. The trend of practicing affiliate marketing to generate passive income keeps on increasing. Beginners and aspiring individuals interested in knowing more about how it works can start by reading a journal review for affiliates.


If you’re looking for a career change from your regular 8-to-5 job, then affiliate marketing might just be the way. Promoting other people’s products and making money when people buy them might sound easy, but there are several things that you need to know first before leaving your day job to turn to affiliate marketing. One of the ways that you can learn about the ins and outs of affiliate marketing is by taking online courses for beginners. Aspiring learners were able to gain profound knowledge efficiently through the compilation of these programs, online tutorials, and affiliate marketing courses. Here are several that you could look into:


1. ClickBank Success – Affiliate Marketing Without a Website by KC Tan


With this affiliate marketing course, you will be able to learn how to promote ClickBank products on Facebook without even spending a penny. ClickBank is an online retailer that allows vendors to sell both digital and physical products, as well as provides an affiliate program that allows affiliates to earn commissions by promoting a vendor’s products.

The course may take up to 3 hours and is ideal for aspirants who are budget-conscious and who don’t believe in buying a domain for their website. Here are more of the things you can learn by taking up this course:

  • Create effective promotional campaigns and earn with ClickBank without having a site.
  • Gain the necessary skills to create your squeeze page and entice subscribers without a domain.
  • Learn new techniques and marketing strategies to utilize in other affiliate programs aside from ClickBank.
  • Learn how to boost your performance and promotional campaigns through the use of keywords that lead to actual sales.


2. Email and Affiliate Marketing Mastermind by Bryan Guerra


This course is for those who are interested in building their email lists around profitable niches and utilizing them by remarketing products. The course will help you learn how to make a targeted email list on certain products in your chosen niche. To further guide you with the process, demonstrations on how to correctly write your email copy will be shown. The crucial role of the course is to entice people to open and read through your recommendations and, finally, click the link where they can buy products.

Here are more of the things you can expect by taking this course:

  • The course is created for anyone eager to make money through affiliate marketing, email marketing, as well as building a profitable business.
  • Learn how to build your email list from rock bottom with nothing to start with.
  • Discover the right products to use in affiliate marketing and remarket those products back to your valuable leads.
  • Get a fully comprehensible idea on how email marketing works and the significant role of building powerful email lists.


3. How To Do Affiliate Marketing as a Full-Time Business by Dave Espino


With affiliate marketing, anyone can get the benefit of earning passive income and the opportunity to gain profit even while you’re asleep. This is one of the many reasons why people make drastic decisions such as changing careers and turning to affiliate marketing. However, this is only possible if you know exactly what you are doing. This course will help you gain profound knowledge on how to properly do affiliate marketing and how to make passive income.

Here are the things you can gain from this course:

  • Step-by-step guides and run-throughs on several proven and tested strategies and techniques used in affiliate marketing.
  • Discover a vast variety of options on how to leverage affiliate marketing.
  • Discover advanced affiliate marketing strategies for those who already have profound knowledge about it.
  • Learn how to utilize link redirects to conceal affiliate links.


4. Free Affiliate Marketing Courses by Skillshare


Separated into three main parts, this program gives you over 50 tutorials on various aspects of affiliate marketing. These courses are split into categories for beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners depending on your capacity and background knowledge about the topic. By completing these courses, you will learn how to build your digital information to start your own business.

Here are some sample courses you can choose on Skillshare:

  • Affiliate Marketing For Beginners-Full Tutorial on WordPress by Greg Gottfried
  • Affiliate Marketing Case Study and Step by Step Guide by Ken Rudd
  • Set-Up an Affiliate Marketing Campaign for Your Brand by Luna Vega
  • Affiliate Marketing – Beginner’s Guide to Earning Online by Brian Cliette
  • Affiliate Marketing: Must Know Before You Start by Greg Gottfried


5. Affiliate Marketing for Beginners by Alex Genadinik


This course is most suitable for beginners and aspirants with little to zero knowledge about affiliate marketing. You will begin the session by understanding the basics of marketing and how it works. This course is ideal for those who are planning to change careers but wanted to do it gradually. The course will help you slowly cope up with your transition and guide you to reach your full understanding of the subject.


6. Affiliate Marketing Through Classifieds by Ruchik P.


This course will help you learn the functions of classified ads and how effective they can be in order to make a full transition into your new role in affiliate marketing.

Here are more of the exciting packages you can learn about this course:

  • Learn how to drive traffic to boost your affiliate commission.
  • Learn how to create right promotions and offer to target segments.
  • Figure out how to create unlimited campaign ads.
  • Provide bonuses to attract buyers to click the cart button.


7. Ultimate Guide to Creating Passive Income Affiliate Stores by Michael Day


Before deciding to change your career entirely, take this course to learn how to create affiliate stores to generate earnings. This way, you will have a broader idea of whether shifting careers and jumping to affiliate marketing is the right choice. Learning the knack to manage multiple affiliate stores is not an easy task to do, but this course will help you learn how to master it.

Furthermore, expect the following with this course:

  • Build e-commerce affiliates sites by utilizing WordPress, Aliexpress, Canva, and Lunapic.
  • Introduce you to the different types of profitable niches to build your site around.
  • Learn the full function of affiliate stores and how to increase your income by creating them.


The Bottom Line


As a beginner, learning about affiliate marketing for the very first time can be intimidating. You may think that there are so many things you need to do. However, with these courses, you will soon discover that the steps are easy and manageable. The guidelines and training programs about affiliate marketing will both help you in many ways, should you decide to change your career. These courses can increase your knowledge, which is the key to gaining your full potential and leveraging the benefits of affiliate marketing.