How to Sneak out to Work during Holidays

Holidays are just round the corner and that means you have to wrap up work for some quality family time.

But wait, I really don’t think I can live without checking my emails, or knowing that everything is fine at work without me, work is just part of me. Well, if that is you, here are some awesome tips on how to “sneak out” of family time during vacation.

Do share your tips to supplement this article by adding to the comments!

Aww..You just lost out on the wonderful time with your lil ones just now!It was a perfect time for you to talk about the stories of your childhood, about your experiences on your holiday outings when you were a kid or just learn about their excitement as they wait for the next show or adventure ride. But hey that’s trivial isn’t it? The emails and document update just cannot wait another week – that would be so unprofessional on your part! Tsk tsk – get back to your wireless devices now, there’s no use wasting more time when time is begin already wasted standing in long lines!

There’s plenty of upside to this plan, your laptop or other devices don’t get sand on them, the probability of losing them on the beaches is higher and you don’t have to drive that much. It’s not a big deal if the kids are fretting on the worst vacation ever – they need to understand you don’t get all. Hey, you’re getting a large swimming pool, a heated Jacuzzi you can’t ask for more, how many kids even get that! There you go now you have some great convincing skills up your sleeves.

If the sarcastic overtones of this article have not been a deterrent to your sneak out & work plans for the vacation then please do share more tips by commenting below.

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