Accidents records and statistics show that newly hired and inexperienced employees are more prone to accidents than others. ~

Dependent on the level of exposure to occupational hazards, it is a must that employees and employers pay special attention to a comprehensive workplace safety training program for the new hires.

Even if you are not in a high risk environment it helps to go through OSHA training. OSHA stands for occupational safety and health administration. This training ensures that you are up to speed on occupational safety and health issues. Not only does it ensure that you know how to ensure that your workplace is safe, it ensures that you know how to comply with their various rules and regulations.

Accidents can happen in any work environment, the key is to be appropriately trained to avoid and eliminate hazards and also to know how to deal with the situation.

Before joining the job

Even before you join a job that can possible have you handling with hazardous material or potentially risky situations you can ask such questions from your hiring manager during the interview:

  • Does this job involve any hazards? If so, will I be trained to help prevent injuries?
  • What specific health and safety orientation will I get before starting work, and who’s responsible for supervising me?
  • If I am hurt at work, what’s the procedure? Who can help?

(Source for these questions: worksafebc  – this doc has some good info, must read if you are serious to know more on this topic)

First few weeks at the job

  • Observe more and ask as many questions before handling equipment or material that can potentially be dangerous or present some health risk.
  • Ask about what training or gear can help you get more informed and efficient at work.
  • Contact HR to know about the health coverage policies and other benefits.
  • Read through website to know more about the policies and laws in place regarding workplace safety.
  • Never feel shy to ask questions. To be informed must be your first step before you get hands on.


What has been your experience with work safety regulations and preparedness? What tips would you add to the ones here?

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