5 Ways to find out if Entrepreneurship is for you

If the answer to these is yes, then entrepreneurship can be for you:

  1. You are brimming with numerous innovative (or at least a couple) ideas and you can visualize how to translate your dreams into practical ideas and above all you are passionate and persistent to work towards making your dreams see the daylight.
  2. You can take control of managing your time and do not need anyone else to monitor your tasks and goals. You are self-directed and motivated when working solo.
  3. You understand and are hands on the basic financial management – preferably mid-level if not expert. You understand what cash-flow and marketing plans mean to the survival of a business.
  4. You may be an introvert or an extrovert but will not shy away from self-promotion and learning cutting edge marketing and sales pitch.
  5. Are not easily discouraged by failures and know how to bounce back from set-backs.

If you scored a yes on all 5, then go ahead and plan more on how to be an entrepreneur.

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