Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Tailoring Your CV for Different Job Applications: Strategies for Success

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Some job search statistics say 30% of the global workforce is actively searching for jobs. In today's competitive job market, where every opportunity counts, your curriculum vitae (CV) is your golden ticket to unlocking your dream career. Yet, the art of crafting a compelling CV goes far beyond merely listing your qualifications. It entails the finesse [...]

Should You Always Be Looking For a Better Job?

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Is it advisable to always be on the lookout for a better job? This is a question that many people grapple with throughout their careers. On one hand, the pursuit of a better job can lead to increased income, improved job satisfaction, and career advancement. You might love the company you are with because of bonuses [...]

Should you include a photo on your resumé?

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New survey of recruitment and tech experts offers latest perspective on this age-old question In an ever-shifting working world, standard practices around job applications continue to change and evolve. The idea of walking into a business and distributing copies of your resumé has more or less fallen completely out of favor, but certain questions have found [...]

We Can’t All Be Doctors and Teachers: Why Joining E&P Is Also a Noble Pursuit

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This is a guest post by Vince Dawkins. After spending years in the exploration, development, and production (known as E&P) industry, I’m still aware that the field isn’t considered as “noble” as teaching or perhaps the medical field. As a result, many people are switching careers to avoid the oil and gas industry. But is this [...]

New Study Challenges the Importance of Cover Letters in the Job Search 

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New survey of recruitment and tech professionals suggests cover letters are not essential when applying for a job in tech recently discussed. But they are also confronting the reality of the digital skills gap, a subject Forbes has been covering with some urgency of late. In this context, tech professionals may be finding themselves in relatively high demand in spaces outside of the traditional [...]

How to Find Success When Applying for Jobs Online

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Are you ready to apply for jobs online? This is a popular choice for those who need to find employment fast. Applying online gives you many advantages, but it's not the right choice for everyone. Doing so will increase your chances of finding the right part-time job or full-time career. Let's explore everything you need to [...]


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