5 Steps to Green your Job Search

Eco-consciousness is not a fad, it is a continuous way of life; and if you are a “green” conscious person you’d better apply your environment friendly habits to your job search. Or just send these tips to those who value supporting a healthy environment and living!

Here’s how you can be a “green” eco-conscious job searcher:

Green Printing

Print your business cards and resumes on 100% recycled paper and if you have an option to print it through a “green” printer then go for it  (and make sure you print these only when required, even the business cards can be ordered in less than 100 order). The eco-friendly printers offer vegetable-based inks or soy inks instead of petroleum-based inks. Some of the printers even use renewable energy targets, for example Monroe Litho in New York operates solely by wind power. Search for an green printer nearby, there’s a good possibility that you’ll find some.

Online Portfolio

Instead of printing out glossy, color print of your portfolio or work examples, use QR codes on your resume and/or your business cards and let recruiters visit your portfolio online.

Eco-Efficient Computer

While on job search, you’re on your computer most of the time. It is time to plan computer efficiency here are some steps you can use effectively to reduce energy usage:


Greener Pastures


Green Commute

Interview offer! Great news – now how can I go green on the commute? Though it may not be possible at all times, but consider carpooling or using public transport on your way to the interview. Don’t forget to be on time – when taking the public transport aim for arriving at least half an hour before time.

If we practice well enough, being green becomes a way of life and not something to consciously work at for every task.

Do share your tips in comments below.

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