A website completely dedicated to presenting, displaying the national and international events for the career women or fundraisers and benefit events for women in general. And yes you can post your events for FREE!
ð Drumrolls please- welcome to http://careerwomenevents.com
Is there a NEED?
As we see from the present scenario, there are new apps and products released daily, we don’t NEED them but some of them do become our ‘need’ in the long run. Of course you can Google and find the career women events in your area, or look up the local events but is there a website that lists the events specific to career women somewhere – now there sure is one!
For sure the career women deserve this special events info website!
Why SPECIFIC to Career Women?
A working mother is the busiest person around; multitasking at home/chores/family and managing a career it certainly is not easy to keep up-to-date on the various events that can help her in career advancement, let alone attend them! To know is the first step; to make time to attend is another milestone. The website CareerWomenEvents is an effort in this direction – your bookmark to events happening in and around your city and not only that the information on the event aims to inspire you to look similar events that are happening around the world.
Maybe one day you would like to organize one too!
It is also your ‘women specific events resort‘ on the internet to drop in now and then to know about the various awards ceremonies and benefit events happening in our community to honor and help women. A salute and warm happy feeling is what you feel when you read through such events!
And why NOW?
Because March marks the five year anniversary of Careerbright! Yay! And also because March 8th is International Women’s Day and this one is special since it marks the 100th anniversary of this celebration- there couldn’t have been a better time to celebrate and rejoice with another service to the career women of the world!
Please note this website is still in its ‘beta’ release (it doesn’t say that on the website but it just feels ‘good’ to say that – kind of a mystery on what is going to happen after the beta release – theta! anyone? Well we’re working to get some issues fixed but the celebration of the time called for its release today! Suggestions and feedback WELCOME.
If you wish to add your events and have any problems submitting online then please send us the event information to events[at]careerwomenevents [dot] com
Follow us on twitter at http://twitter.com/CWF_Events