Our work and career are a part of our lives, our work supplements and adorns our personal life. How we perceive and regard our personal time and activities very much reflects in our work. Whenever in a quandary on how best to manage work-life issues, it is a must that we evaluate the tasks at work and life together, not separately.
On the path to self-discovery the emphasis should always be on positive thinking and looking ahead. We tend to brood on the past for long and miss the present which makes our future. Evoke the past only to learn from what is history now; don’t let the negative emotions drag you down. Through positive thinking and looking ahead we create the path to a healthy and happy future. Right this minute in passing is becoming the past, what do you want to do in the next minute to illuminate your future?
Patience and faith are the much required strengthening pillars which are your supports to lean on at difficult times; it is up to you how strong you can build them. Yet again, positive thinking is the best mortar you can find to ensure virtual indestructibility of your pillars of strength.
You are what you think; you get what you dream of.
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
— Mahatma Gandhi