UBS and Wharton have designed a program to support women who are planning on re-entering the work force, being held from Mar. 3 to Mar. 5 in Philadelphia this could be your opportunity to learn from the leaders and counselors if you are around the area.
See details here.

According to their studies:
Recent studies seem to suggest that there are a number of obstacles that women face when returning to the workforce, including a diminished network and challenging family policies. They must contend with a changing business environment — including technological advancements, regulatory changes, and the effects of mergers/acquisitions. These challenges, as well as personal and family issues, are hurdles that can be overcome with the right preparation and support.

The challenges and obstacles may be out there but it is possible to navigate through them with the right planning and skills set analysis. Seek advice from professionals and also read the many articles around if you feel stuck in your job search. The 21st century must see a paradigm shift for working mothers towards work-life balance issues. More and more women are demanding it now. You get what you ask for and this is true for anything and everything (exceptions apart), when you know what you want that could make you feel fulfilled in your life and career, you can find your way to it.

But stop and analyze what you do today and what you want in future is / will be making you happy or more flustered with more things on your plate than you can handle?

Knowing your priorities is the key to being satisfied.
Something’s gotta give. Even if you make less money than you did before in a full-time job, weigh out making lesser dough to being able to spend more time with your family and kids, what are your priorities? If less work and more time with kids are a priority right now, then perhaps a part-time job could be ideal for you.
If money is the major concern, then search for an option that lets you lead a balanced life as well, yes it is tough – but not impossible.

Know your priorities, be patient and ready to spend some time looking around and researching for jobs/ careers that best suit you – and you shall find them.

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